09 JAN Marvellous leadership team to promote the uptake of PVT heating systems Dr. Korbinian Kramer from the German institute Fraunhofer ISE has successfully presented the leadership team and outline for the new research platform... read more
26 OCT Optimised PVT and heat pump combinations for heating and cooling of buildings In combination with the Eurosun 2022 conference, the second IEA SHC Task 66 industry workshop entitled "Solar thermal and/or PVT combined with heat pumps... read more
21 JUN Market and technology trends in the global PVT sector Europe is the leading region worldwide for PVT technology. Of the global 1.6 million m2 of PVT collectors in operation, 64 % are installed in Europe. The... read more
11 AUG Insights into global PVT market development The demand for PVT collectors has grown rapidly in the last two years. Annual sales of PVT capacity increased 57% to 167,165m2 in 2021, after growth of... read more